Icons, Everywhere!
Seriously. I can only fit around 15 more icons on my desktop and then it'll be completely covered. This is just as bad as having the boatload of tabs. In this case, when I have too many icons, so many times I've just selected a majority of the icons and just copied them to a "sort this stuff" folder, which in turn never gets sorted. What a mess. Sure, there's some files I'll actually use, programs that have shortcuts, but it's mostly internet shortcuts that I drag and drop to the desktop. Time to highlight a few.
Blitz 1941, a tank-based online game, now in beta.
Acclaim is back from the dead.
Amazon.com Web Services Developer Contest. Build an innovative and entrepreneurial application using Visual Studio 2005 with Amazon Web Services and you can win the grand prize: $5,000! The first 100 entries will receive an Amazon Web Services t-shirt.
Audiopad. Audiopad is a composition and performance instrument for electronic music which tracks the positions of objects on a tabletop surface and converts their motion into music. From the MIT Media Lab, of course. Don't miss the video.
How to talk smack in Halo 2. Not exactly PG related language, just like you'd find when really playing Halo 2 online!
Space Cadets. A BBC show where some people have been tricked into thinking they were actually going into space.
Official site for The Da Vinci Code movie. I didn't read the book, but the trailer for this is intriguing.
Lazy Sunday, a hilarious SNL short done in the style of a rap music video, but about two of the members' voyage to see The Chronicles of Narnia. Hilarity in motion.
iPodmyphoto.com, make any photo look like an ipod commercial - for those without the photoshop skills to do it themselves. See also their iPodmybaby toddler clothes.
That's about it for now. Hardly a dent into all the links littering my desktop, though.
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